
 Combating Aging with Movement: Optimize your daily movements to counteract aging symptoms like stiff joints, weak muscles, and lack of energy. Incorporate

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Regular exercise enhances communication between muscles and fat tissues, improves metabolism, and acts as a robust protector against metabolic diseases associated with

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Yoga Basics

HIGHLIGHTS:Origins and Significance: Chaturanga Tadasana symbolizes surrendering to higher strength and nourishment, representing a powerful connection to both inner and outer energies.Physical

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HIGHLIGHTS: Origins and Philosophy: Inspired by the mythical Garuda, Eagle Pose evokes the freedom and boundless energy of soaring eagles.Physical Benefits: Strengthens

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HIGHLIGHTS: Total Body Stretch and Strength: Pigeon Pose (Ardha Kapotasana) lengthens hip flexors and posterior muscles, improving flexibility and hip mobility, making

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HIGHLIGHTS:Origins of Warrior III: Inspired by the myth of Shiva and the fierce warrior Virabhadra, this pose represents strength, determination, and unyielding

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Highlights:Total Body Benefits: Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Savasana) stretches and strengthens various muscle groups, including the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands,

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HIGHLIGHTS:Historical Significance: Chair Pose (Utkatasana) symbolizes power and leadership, reflecting its origins in ancient times when only royalty sat on chairs.Physical Benefits:

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